Withdrawal Exception Request Form

Form Details
This form is for students who are requesting an exception to Skagit Valley College’s withdrawal and/or refund policies due to unexpected medical or military circumstances.
Enrollment Services will use the information on this form to approve or deny your request within two weeks of submission.

Complete this form to request a withdrawal deadline exception.


You must submit your request by the last day of the next quarter. For example, if you are requesting an exception for Spring Quarter, you need to submit your request by the end of the following Summer quarter.


You will have a chance to review the form before you submit it.


If you do not hear from Enrollment Services in two weeks, please send an email to hardshipwithdrawalpetitions@skagit.edu.

Student Identification

Request Details
Which quarter are you requesting a withdrawal deadline exception for?

Please provide the 4-digit year (for example, 2024).
Veteran Affairs Benefits

VA Benefits Notice
If you used VA benefits to pay for your tuition, you should not drop your classes because you will likely owe a repayment of funds. Instead of completing this form, contact SVC’s Veterans Education Office.
Financial Aid

Financial Aid Notice
If you used financial aid to pay for your tuition, contact SVC’s Financial Aid Office before completing this form because there can be financial consequences to withdrawing from classes. In addition, students who used financial aid do not usually receive a refund through the withdrawal deadline exception process. 

Unexpected Medical Circumstance Documentation
Attach a written statement (500 words or less) explaining why you are requesting an exception. If you are requesting withdrawal from a specific class or classes, you must note that in your statement.

Attach a letter on clinic/hospital letterhead that includes your name, statement by your medical professional saying that you were unable to attend class, the dates you were unable to attend class, and the signature of your medical professional.

Military Circumstances
Attach a written statement (500 words or less) explaining why you are requesting an exception. If you are requesting withdrawal from a specific class or classes, you must note that in your statement.

Attach a copy of your PCS or TDY military orders.                                                                                         

Other Circumstances
Attach a written statement (500 words or less) explaining why you are requesting an exception. If you are requesting withdrawal from a specific class or classes, you must note that in your statement.

Attach any documentation you have to support your explanation.                                                                          

I understand that by submitting this Withdrawal Deadline Exception Form, I am approving the college to officially withdraw me from class(es) if this request is approve.